It is a perennial question, it is new for each and every person in each fraction of a second - Who am I? Hey Lord! Am I created in your own image and likeness? But... why am I not able to see your face in the mirror when I look at it? I am always perplexed by the resonance of my evil inclinations... am I not a good person? Why don't you show me your face in order for me to see my own face? Yes, I saw myself clearly... when I gazed at your body... I was becoming weightless... Oh... how can I express it... the tremendous peace within me and its persistence. I am not bad... not only I, but also each and every creation in this world, they are all unique and precious... reflecting your own image and likeness... Hey Jai, are you boasting about yourself? No, not at all... It was a real experience when I was sitting in front of the exposed Holy Eucharist in the sacramental chapel of 'Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore'. Oh my dear loving Lord... let me kneel in front of you, especially when I tend to slip during this journey and become confused about my own true image, since you are the unique One who is able to show me my wholeness.
You are so unique, Jai, and I know your blog will be absolutely genuine too... since you know nothing but to 'speak the truth'. Best of luck! n keep posting.
Dear Jaimon, Congratulations1 It's interesting to read you... Really, its Lord Jesus Chirist Who has given us the Identity by Emptying Himself. Carry on...
Thanks a lot Jaisonacha and wonder about your care for me amidst of your busy ministry as the state diretor of KCYM...wish you all the best and prayers for helping our youth to find their true identity...
Truth is God. Life is God. We humans can write anything, because we know to think and act with sense if we need. Our life exposure and experience make our decision capacity. For somalian pirates, each SHIPS are their GOD. What ever we do we will be a minority. The world will be under a different religion in a century. All terrorists outfits jointly taking control by supporting all its leaders. Even they converting people even from Rome. Christians know only to forgive and pray. They wont react to any violence in name of peace considering family and bank balance. In this world anything will workout with organized planned effort. We blindly belive in life after death. Sometimes our fate may different. We are just humans. We all do different things for attention. All want name. Even Vatican changed Christmas Mass timings. Thank God POPE is still fine after the attack. No God came forward to stop the woman from pulling Pope. We can feel we are great, kind, simple, rich.... anything.... thats our vision. We are just humans. In many orphanages people dont know their religion and praying to different Gods. Life is just a time to earn some money and enjoy. Anyone can belive anything. I am what i am. A simple creature with a open attitude. thank you. comments welcome.
ജീവിതം ഒരു തീര്ത്ഥാടനമാണെന്ന് വിശ്വസിക്കുന്ന ഒരു സഞ്ചാരി. ഈ തീര്ത്ഥാടനത്തിനിടയില് മന്ന പോലെ വീണുകിട്ടിയ ചില 'അപ്പകഷണങ്ങള്' എനിക്ക് സ്വന്തമാക്കിവയ്ക്കാനുള്ളതല്ല എന്ന തിരിച്ചറിവിനാല് എല്ലാവര്ക്കുമായി ഇവിടെ മുറിച്ച് വിളമ്പാന് ശ്രമിക്കുകയാണ്. എന്റെ കൈയിലെ പൊടിയും അഴുക്കുമൊക്കെ അതിലുണ്ടാകും, എന്നാലും എന്നെകൊണ്ടാവുന്നത്...
You are so unique, Jai, and I know your blog will be absolutely genuine too... since you know nothing but to 'speak the truth'. Best of luck! n keep posting.
It is absolutely true Jai, When we sit in front of the exposed Holy Eucharist He will reveal to us "WHO AM I". Congratulations,Keep on writing.
Dear Jaimon,
It's interesting to read you...
Really, its Lord Jesus Chirist Who has given us the Identity by Emptying Himself.
Carry on...
Thanks a lot Jaisonacha and wonder about your care for me amidst of your busy ministry as the state diretor of KCYM...wish you all the best and prayers for helping our youth to find their true identity...
Truth is God. Life is God. We humans can write anything, because we know to think and act with sense if we need. Our life exposure and experience make our decision capacity. For somalian pirates, each SHIPS are their GOD. What ever we do we will be a minority. The world will be under a different religion in a century. All terrorists outfits jointly taking control by supporting all its leaders. Even they converting people even from Rome. Christians know only to forgive and pray. They wont react to any violence in name of peace considering family and bank balance. In this world anything will workout with organized planned effort. We blindly belive in life after death. Sometimes our fate may different. We are just humans. We all do different things for attention. All want name. Even Vatican changed Christmas Mass timings. Thank God POPE is still fine after the attack. No God came forward to stop the woman from pulling Pope. We can feel we are great, kind, simple, rich.... anything.... thats our vision. We are just humans. In many orphanages people dont know their religion and praying to different Gods. Life is just a time to earn some money and enjoy. Anyone can belive anything. I am what i am. A simple creature with a open attitude. thank you. comments welcome.
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